
The Premio Claudio, was born from the will of the entrepreneur, collector and art lover Ettore Alloggia with the intention of providingd a form of concrete support to contemporary art. Named in memory of his father, Premio Claudio will allow systematic and growing acquisitions, able to embody a collection of works capable of attracting attention to quality and originality that will contribute to the revitalization of the Roman art scene.

“Premio Claudio was born from the desire to achieve something concrete in order to contribute to the need for cultural developmen in our city in a very delicate and critical moment in its history. My commitment is also intended as a spur for others, to open discussions, develop meetings, to try to add somehow a new fervor in the art-world related to a city such as Rome, far too long, tired and abused. It’s a molehill, but it’s still something, and I thought to do that tying it to my father’s memory and the values that he transmitted to me. Premio Claudio was born, in fact,with the aim of offering the opportunity to see again the eyes sparkle in young people and, however, to offer the hope for change. Therefore, the winning work will be made available to young families / couples (married or not) residing in the municipality of Rome and with a low income, who may have it in their homes for a temporary period, to be defined on a case by case basis.As long as I get the chance, every year the prize will increase with a new work and it will be nice to think that in a few years there will be many young families who may have a work around their houses for a period, albeit brief, that will delight their lives, and which will give them the hope of being able one day to have one of their artworks, because in the meantime their dreams will come true, fueled by the confidence that something can change. ” (Ettore Alloggia)

The Premio Claudio was born during Granpalazzo, the event fair held in Zagarolo (RM) in May 2016. The jury composed by Ettore Alloggia, Giorgio Angella (collector), Andrea Baccin (CURA.), Ilaria Marotta (CURA.), Alfredo Pirri (artist), nominated two winners, Rodrigo Hernández and Piotr Makowski.

“For the compositional elegance of images both enigmatic and familiar, for the mystifying process along with the combination of objects, of rough and artefact material; for the deliberately open meaning of the work, which offers itself to the playful gaze of the spectator, re-reading the limits imposed by categories in a constant contraposition between unity and fragment, between personal experience, popular culture, and intellectual quote, between anthropologic interest and contemporary spirit; and finally for the path undertaken by a young, yet affirmed artist in an international context with important museum shows worldwide, the first winner of the Premio Claudio is Rodrigo Hernández (1983) with the work Nothing is Solid (2015), represented by P420, Bologna.”

“For the richness of his artistic vocabulary, for the original compositional ability with which the artist draws for the tradition of painting of the XX century avant-gardes; for the freshness and lucidity of his research, which continues to reinvent itself, still keeping its consistency and distinctive character; for the ability to combine technique and vision, gesture and rigor, research and identity, the second winner of the Premio Claudio is Piotr Makowski (1985), with the work Kompozycja RAS 01 (2016), represented by Galerie Antoine Levi, Paris.”